Evening Filled With

Joy, Laughter, And Insights

Into Your Relationship.

⏰ When: April 11th, 2025, 7:00pm

📍 Where: London, Ontario

"Delightfully Different" - DATENIGHT

An evening filled with joy, laughter, and insights into your relationship.


Erika Botha - Marriage Counselor;

Damian Devonish - Psychotherapist;

Lori Fellner - Actress;

Nick Vander Ploeg - Pastor;

and Ray Wiersma - Actor,

along with live music, this two-hour event encompasses learning, engaging games, live musical performance, and a play.

We are committed to making this event a memorable experience for you and your partner.

Get Your Ticket Now

Secure your tickets at the affordable price of $25 per person.

When: April 11th, 7:00pm

Where: Westview Baptist Church - 1000 Wonderland Rd S, London, ON N6K 3S4

Our Lineup

Erika Botha

For almost 20 years I have been providing Christian marriage counselling and coaching to couples who have faced every challenge possible, be it: 

  • infidelity,
  • illness,
  • trauma,
  • financial stressors,
  • parents in-law
  • or simply just not getting along. 

My motivation is knowing that intense, pure love is at the heart of each and every one of those marriages and that by making simple changes and following a few Biblical principles, love can be restored to greatness and made even better than before.

Dreams do come true. I know this, I’ve seen it happen with my clients, and I’ve made it happen for myself.

Damian Devonish

As an experienced therapist, trained Theologian and Pastoral Care and Counselling expert, Damian Devonish, B.A., M.Sc., RP, understands the transformative power of addressing spiritual imbalances alongside emotional and physical needs. This highbred, integrative approach attends to all aspects of the self, supporting each individually while also bringing them together to create One Harmonized Whole.

A person-centred therapist at his core, Damian practices with a dedication to Congruence, Empathy and Unconditional Positive Regard. Drawing on the best practices of psychotherapy, Damian takes an eclectic approach to treatment, emphasizing the importance of holistic healing.

Nick Vander Ploeg

After completing his formal education to become a school teacher in 2011, Nick felt a higher calling to ministry. Today, he serves as the campus pastor at Forest City Community Church, with a deep passion for empowering youth and strengthening marriages.

Lori Fellner

Lori has been acting up her entire life, occasionally on stage!
She has loved theatre for as long as she can remember, and has been blessed with opportunities to perform with London Community Players, Theatre Western and Musical Theatre Productions for over 30 years.

Ray Wiersma

Ray is an actor who loves any opportunity to entertain people from the stage. He has appeared at shows at the Palace Theatre as well as the London One Act Festival and Fringe Festival. He is most at home when writing and performing spoken word at his local church.

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